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Call + Text AI

Call AI is ready to call you

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structurely text conversation mockup 1

Enjoy the new Structurely Call + Text AI.

Fill the form using your mobile number and test conversations with our AI as if you were a real lead!

nate joens structurelyBenefit Decrease Staffing 1
Chief Innovation OfficerNate Joens
The Humans Behind The Scenes

As Chief Innovation Officer, I've seen AI revolutionize client's revenue operations. It is a powerhouse of efficiency, provides valuable predictive insights, and transforms customer engagement.

Ultimately, it lowers expenses and propels revenue, providing an edge while mitigating risks. It stands as a critical element in fundamentally transforming client business practices in today's digital world.

  • Expand workforce without increasing labor costs
  • Lower resident acquisition costs
  • Increase revenue per employee
  • Ensure consistent brand messaging

Let's figure out how we can work together.

Automate your conversations to qualify leads for you.
Strucutrely Text Conversation
structurely text followups
structurely reschedule
Structurely Take Control
Structurely Text Customization
Structurely Bulk Texting
Two-Way Conversation
Instantly engage and nurture your leads.
Long Term Drip Campaigns
AI automatically follows up with your leads for over twelve months.
Automated Rescheduling
AI will schedule followups within a lead's preferred timeframe if they're not ready now.
Take Control
Jump into the conversation with any lead whenever you're ready.
Fully Customizable
Make your AI behave and speak exactly how you'd like.
Bulk Texting
Address your leads in bulk with dynamic messaging.
Phone Transfers + Appointments
Get live phone transfers or appointments with your most qualified leads.
Activity Logs + Remote Management
Integrated with your CRM.
2560px HubSpot Logo.svgboomtown logo colorfollow up boss logoLogo SalesforceLP diamond logoacculynx logo navy orange grayMarketSharp Logo Color
Appointments lifted between 20-50%
We closed over $1M in less than 3 months...
800+ appointments set by the AI so far...
Instantly 4x'd our lead volume...
structurely logo cinc
structurely logo winchoice
structurely logo valleydreamteam
structurely logo realgeek
Logo Firepoint
Logo Sierra Interactive scaled