7 Reasons you Need an Inside Sales Agent
February 10, 2019
Real Estate

It’s 10pm, you’re with your family watching a movie and your phone rings. It’s a Zillow lead, which means it’s time you step out of family time and into work. Sound familiar?

You’ve done everything you can in your real estate business to automate, scale and ultimately grow. You’re generating 100’s of leads every month and your pipeline is full. Yet, you still can’t get out of the daily grind and it’s costing you valuable family and personal time. It’s time to start spending more time ON your business, rather than IN it.

Enter the real estate Inside Sales Agent (ISA). This magical wizard of communication is about to sweep your entire business of its feet. So long are the days of answering those 10pm calls from Zillow leads, chasing them for 6 months and ultimately having them tell you they’re not ready to buy for another 3 years. This is the role of the ISA and these are the reasons you need one on your real estate team today.

1) An ISA will ensure you win the “speed to lead” race every time

Real estate leads are 21x more likely to convert if you contact them within 5 minutes. This is a stat that can’t be ignored. An ISA will gladly take that lead phone call at 10pm immediately, engage that lead and qualify or disqualify them for your team.

2) An ISA is like an insurance policy on your lead generation

Are you spending $1,000, $5,000, maybe even $25,000 every month generating leads? Every lead is worth hundreds of dollars to you, not to mention the business you generate when they close. It’s why having an insurance policy in place on those leads is so important, which is where the ISA role comes in.  The ISA ensures 100% of your leads are immediately followed up with and categorized based on their interest, readiness to move. The ISA may be able to set appointments for your agents if the lead is qualified and ready to take the next step.

👉Download our Free “The Complete Real Estate Inside Sales Agent Starter Kit”

3) An ISA will follow-up with every lead until they’re ready to move

A study by Zillow found that 49% of all real estate leads are never contacted by a real estate agent. That is an alarming statistic, but for the real estate teams with an ISA it’s a massive opportunity. By ensuring 100% of your leads are followed-up with quickly and consistently you can capitalize on the nearly ½ of all real estate leads your competition is not following up with.

4) An ISA will guard your agent’s calendars by not wasting their time with bad leads

A study by Salesforce found that salespeople spend only 36% of their week actually selling. Crazy, right? With an ISA, your agents can spend 100% of their time selling. ISAs are compensated at closing, which means they’re incentivized to pass off only the highest qualified leads as appointments to your agents.

5) An ISA will hold your agents accountable until closing

After your ISA passes a lead off to a buyer or listing agent on your team, your ISA’s job isn’t done. As mentioned before, ISAs get paid a cut of commission-only at closing. This means they’re incentivized to keep the deal moving through an agent’s pipeline, from the first appointment, to offer, to closings. ISAs are typically responsible for also ensuring the lead they qualified is accountable to the agent. Meaning, the ISA will send reminder emails, texts, calls and mail to the lead and the agent to ensure all parties keep moving until the deal is done.

👉 Read our Free guide “The Definitive Guide to Real Estate ISAs”

6) An ISA will own your brand and voice in your market

Become the digital mayor of your neighborhood” is a saying that many successful real estate teams live by. Now this doesn’t actually mean run for mayor, rather, have your team’s brand plastered everywhere a consumer looks in your market. This also applies to how you treat your leads and your ISAs will always be the first and ongoing voice of your company’s brand, culture and reputation. When you hire the right ISA this can lead to exponential returns, especially in the form of referrals. By ensuring every lead is delivered an experience they’ll remember for a lifetime, you can create a referral source out of every lead your ISA interacts with.

7) An ISA will give your real estate team the ability to scale

As a team leader, it’s your job to generate and distribute leads. When you’ve done that successfully, the cog in your real estate team becomes the ability to continuously move those leads through a pipeline. With an ISA you can scale your real estate team to generate more leads, hire more agents and even consider building expansion teams.

You don’t need to go out and hire an in-house ISA right away to experience the benefits they can bring to your real estate team. Thankfully, there are real estate ISA companies, such as Structurely, who can help you experience these benefits without the overhead of hiring, training, and retaining an ISA. Better yet, many successful real estate ISAs are using Structurely to scale their own role as an ISA, allowing them to convert more leads to closings.